Curatorial Impacts – the Futures of Okwui Enwezor (1963-2019)
Editors: Chika Okeke-Agulu, Jane Chin Davidson and Alpesh Kantilal Patel
Dedicated to the memory of Okwui Enwezor (1963-2019), the essays for this special issue recognize the profound impact left by the Nigerian art historian, curator, poet, and educator who transformed the curatorial present of global exhibitions and anticipated their decolonizing futures. His groundbreaking work includes his 2002 debut as the first “non-European art director of documenta” whereby “Democracy Unrealized” was the “first truly global, postcolonial documenta exhibition.” The contributors for this special issue will emphasize the way in which Enwezor’s creation of political platforms and artistic manifestoes not only changed the form and function of global exhibitions, but also opened up new ways to implement social and political activism in association with aesthetic practices, performative displays, and curatorial initiatives